Allan Thorsen writes the Axehead Chat -- an entertaining and informative summary of our Club's sailing and events. Allan's good humor shines through and keeps us laughing and smiling as we re-live our good times at the pond.
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Well well well-Finally ! RC sailboats on a pond ! A small crowd for our first race day, we had 4 DF95s, plus Joe R. with his Marblehead, a fellow named Ed Tabaczk looking for help with an old Soling, and Father & son Terry and Todd Albert with Terry's old Epic Marblehead that needs an upgrade. Rob F. came by and kept score for us, AND
guess who's back in town? the family Mieling !
I guess the new craze at Vernon Hills is fishing--never seen so many people throwing lures and drowning worms . So, with a small fleet and trying to keep out of the way we set a 3 buoy course , for the light north wind, finished 12 races, got some sun and generally had a fine time.
My biggest problem was when "Miss Vernon Hills" and her court & photographer showed up to take pics on the pier--dressed for the evening gown competition ( NOT swimsuits-nuts! )
Anyway, here are the scores for the day..........
1st. place...........Greg R..............20 pts
2nd place...........Allan T..............28
3rd place...........Bob A.................33
4th place...........Dave S................51
NEXT WEEK--JUNE 21--FATHERS DAY--nada , bupkis , zippo , diddly squat , zero , zilch. In other words--NO sailing . we WILL sail S/Bs on June 28--somewhere......
" What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy and the other is a little lighter. "
OK ! See you all in 2 weeks. Stay safe. Stay away ! (LOL) wash your hands. Starboard boat has right of way. We're all in this together & I'm pullin' for ya ( Red Green quote )
Allan Thorsen
Terry Albert was a member of the Chicago RC Model Yacht Club many years ago. He sailed the beautiful, Epic Marblehead pictured above. The woodgrain on the deck is fabulous. The Epic was originally built by Tom Protheroe, the father of the Santa Barbara.
Terry has now passed his boat down to his son, Todd. Todd wants to update the electronics, radio and sails so he can sail the Epic. Ken Young and Jeff Gros will help Todd bring the boat back to the water.
We enjoyed meeting Terry and Todd on Sunday and listening to some of Terry's stories. We look forward to seeing them again.
Ed inherited a Soling 1m and brought it to the pond on Sunday. We helped him get the rig adjusted and he was soon out on the water.
Sailing in the low-wind near-shore, Ed quickly caught on to the controls and before long he moved out to where we were racing in the mild breeze. By the end of the morning Ed was successfully sailing his Soling around the course. He loved it!
We gained a new friend and a new club member today. Ed left with a list of things to do on his Soling to further bring it up to date. We look forward to seeing Ed and his yellow Soling back at the pond.
Kind regards,
Your Sailing Team
Copyright © 2025 Chicago RC Model Yacht Club
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